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Code Review (previously ACR)

The CLEVR Dev Suite is a cloud-based tool developed by CLEVR that is specifically designed to accelerate the DevOps components around the Mendix platform. This section explains the Code Review module that is focused on the code review process surrounding the development of low-code applications using the Mendix platform. Code Review makes it possible to automate the mundane aspects of the code review process in a way that allows developer teams to focus their efforts on more complex challenges.

The goal is to assist the developer in writing better code and to save time for senior developers doing peer-review. For that reason, Code Review checks our Mendix project against a database of development rules.

The rules are based on Mendix’s best practices (https://docs.mendix.com/howto/general/dev-best-practices), our guidelines, and the SDF users’ wishes.

The best practices are described in a separate section. This section handles the functionality of the CLEVR Dev Suite UI.

Since different development teams apply different rules (naming conventions, coding practices) and since apps differ in size and complexity and also in some fundamental features like being multi-tenant or not, all rules can be customized.

For consistency, default rule sets can be maintained.

Also when there is a good reason to violate a rule you can place a combination of rule x object on a white list, so it no longer shows as a violation.

In the CI/CD, you can make sure the latest commit is automatically reviewed or schedule a review once or twice a day.

All this is done to assist the developer. The goal is never to artificially change code to obey a rule. Only when the violation indicates a bad coding practice do you need to improve your code or accept lesser quality.
