From this release onwards every user needs a valid Personal Access Token (PAT), to be able to use ACR. After the release the following screen is presented:
Don’t worry, your apps and reviews are still there. This screen is shown because on every login the permissions are checked and from this release onwards you need a PAT with certain permissions. Press the button [Add new app].
Choose [Generate PAT]. A new tab in your browser is opened. Generate a PAT with the following properties:
- mx:epics:read, mx:epics:write if you want to create stories from violations
- mx:modelrepository:repo:read to read models using the Mendix API (SDK)
- mx:app:metadata:read to determine your permissions.
Only the ‘mx:app:metadata:read’ is required. In ACR select [Save PAT] and copy the new PAT to ACR
Finally press [Refresh apps] and everything should be fine again.