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  5. 1.8


ACR: Super-fast code download

The major new feature coming with this release is the option to enable fast download for a project. The result is an order of magnitude faster downloads when reviewing a project so instead of minutes the download now takes seconds.

To enable the fast download you need to add the following Mendix account to your project with the right of Business Engineer: smartdigitalfactory@mansystems.nl
ACR will use the access rights of this user to download your project and run the code review.

CI/CD improvements

CI/CD module Mendix cloud synchronization has been made more granular. You can now synchronize environment status, backups, deployed package, settings, deployment packages and team server commits separately. This to accommodate for situations where people might not have all the needed permissions.

CI/CD module Code review action can now fail on blocking or blocking and critical violations. A rerun of a loaded model will now fail again if there are blocking and/or critical violations.