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AMS (Preview)

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When you scan your app you manually have to decide whether the data you see is correct. What AMS adds to this is to repeat the scan automatically and compare the results. So if, with CI/CD you restored the same database and you run the scan against a different model then the changes you see are caused by the model. These changes can either be as intended and be approved, or the change is a regression and the model needs to be fixed.

Application Model Security (AMS) is a tool that scans your app from the outside and shows you what data is visible. This tool does NOT check the infrastructure security, nor does it test the platform and check for example OWASP criteria. AMS checks the security of how you modeled your app.

In the process this means when deploying to the test (or autotest) environment the pipeline should not block on security errors and just report the result, so the right person can approve of fix the issue.

When deploying to acceptance the pipeline should stop on differences.

Using AMS you bring security into the process of the developer, more than just a checkbox in the definition of done.
